Every homeowner has a list of Odd Jobs that they need to get done around their home. Don’t let that list of odd jobs hang over you like a cloud. Call The Ancaster Handyman and consider it done. The Ancaster Handyman is a professional at tackling homeowners list of odd jobs. He is a man of integrity is passionate about what he does and believes in doing things right the first time.
He has a reputation for doing great work and getting a lot done in a short time. He’s based in Ancaster and is so busy servicing the people of Ancaster that he seldom has the time to take on clients from farther afield.
Committed To Excellence
The Ancaster Handyman loves meeting and helping people. From busy professionals to retirees and single homeowners in need of a helping hand and someone they can trust to do an honest day’s work. The Ancaster Handyman is a lifetime member of ACHP (The Association of Certified Handyman Professionals) which promotes the setting of standards for running an ethical handyman business. He has been recognized by TrustedPros as the best handyman in Ancaster for the second year in a row. TrustedPros is a site verifies reviews with clients before they post them on their site so that you know you can trust reviews you read there as being legitimate. What His Clients Say on TrustedPros
 HomeStars is another site that verifies reviews with clients before they post them on their site so you can trust reviews you read there as being legitimate. What His Clients Say on HomeStars
Note: The Ancaster Handyman does not pay for listings on TrustedPros or HomeStars. If you see other companies listed above The Ancaster Handyman, these are companies that are paying to advertise there. The Ancaster Handyman is only listed here because of you the client who give him a review.
There are also people talking about The Ancaster Handyman on Google Places (maps) What His Clients Say on Google
One reason why so many people are giving him so many great reviews is that he never takes shortcuts. He first assesses needs and understands the scope of each project before he begins. Then he starts and doesn’t stop until the job is finished to the client’s complete satisfaction. It’s a never a “that’s good enough” approach to business and is evidenced by What His Clients Say about the work he has done. After he has done your work for you once he will be your only handyman for all your list of Odd Jobs.
All Work Guaranteed
The Ancaster Handyman stands behind his work is 100%  of the time.  He is also fully insured so you don’t have to worry about getting the job done safely, securely and problem-free.
The Ancaster Handyman doesn’t just carry saws and hammers and levels in his van. He also carries a good supply of the material required to do the most common jobs. If you send him your list of odd jobs he will pick up the necessary hardware before he comes. He has a professional approach to the business of home repairs, home improvements and general maintenance work. He is punctual (arriving when he says he will), accommodating (fits your schedule), organized and tidy (the space during and after the work is completed), and a knowledgeable, concise communicator (oftentimes offering several options to solve a single problem).
To save the clients money The Ancaster Handyman generally works on a time and material basis. He will come and do the jobs on your list and you just pay for the time it takes.The Ancaster Handyman will give you a ballpark figure of how long it should take to do all your jobs but if there are problems he will explain everything so that a decision can be made on how to proceed.
To save money many clients do their own shopping.
Honesty and Integrity
Without exception, The Ancaster Handyman is a handyman who doesn’t just believe in doing the best work. He also believes in doing what is best for his clients. This is why he never hesitates to tell clients if there is a job he does not feel comfortable doing and that you should hire a tradesman.